1. 记录日常遇到的有价值的并且经常使用的相关
2. 记录日常的想法
3. 记录日常生活
4. 记录自学过程中的代码及介绍
5. 记录解决难题过程中的代码及介绍
6. 以上要求做不到的话, 就随便写点什么吧 (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
从前的我没有把知识记录下来的习惯, 希望现在可以通过我的个人博客网站来养成这种习惯。
Hello, everyone!
Welcome to my personal blog site!
Here I have collected the code that I think is practical in daily life, the relevant information of my knowledge, and the relevant knowledge that I am interested in, as well as some content of daily life. I hope I can do the following things by using this blog site:
1. Record valuable and frequently used items that you encounter on a daily basis
2. Record daily thoughts
3. Record daily life
4. Record the code and introduction in the process of self-study
5. Record the code and introduction in the process of solving the problem
6. If not, feel free to write anything (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
In the past, I did not have the habit of writing down knowledge, but now I hope to develop this habit through my personal blog site.
• 昵称: 任生
• 职业: 学生
• 专业: 计算机科学与技术
• 家乡: 河南
• 居住地:新疆
• Name: RenSheng
• Occupation: Student
• Major: Computer Science and Technology
• Hometown: Henan
• Place of residence: Xinjiang